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War: How Conflict Shaped Our Societies

  • 9789189069770
  • Stolpe Publishing

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It has been claimed that around 14,500 wars have been fought since 3,500 BC. Humanity has only experienced 300 years of peace on Earth. During the twentieth century more people in total, were killed in wars, than during any previous century. Relatively, though we kill each other less often now. Are we gradually becoming more peaceful? Regardless of the number of people killed, and the technology used to do it, we can rest assured that wars will be continued to be fought. Can the causes of war be found in society or in biology, in a competition for economic or sexual resources, in historical circumstances – or in a universal violent instinct?

The essays in this anthology originate from the internationally renowned Engelsberg Seminar of 2015, and are written by international historians, journalists, thinkers, researchers, and authors. From the conflicts of antiquity to the dynamics of modern terrorism, this book is about war as a creator and destroyer of states and civilizations. Edited by Kurt Almqvist and Alexander Linklater.

Property Value
Author Hew Strachan
Cover Hardcover
Dimension 17.78 x 3.18 x 24.77 cm
Language EN
Page 380
2 Taksit
481,59 x 2Toplam : 963,18 TL
481,59 x 2Toplam : 963,18 TL
481,59 x 2Toplam : 963,18 TL
481,59 x 2Toplam : 963,18 TL
481,59 x 2Toplam : 963,18 TL
481,59 x 2Toplam : 963,18 TL
481,59 x 2Toplam : 963,18 TL

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