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Restaurant Service: Preparation, Carving, Slicing, Flambeing and Setting the Tables

  • 9782857087687

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Restaurant Service covers all the classic techniques and practices of service personnel in fine dining restaurantsRestaurant Service is a comprehensive book listing all of the essential dining room service techniques. It shows how to set the table, how to serve and pour drinks, and other forms of table service including slicing and flambéing. Each service technique is detailed and illustrated step by step (with photos) and each task is reproduced with precision and accuracy. Tracing all the techniques of tableware, this book will ensure you have mastered the basics of perfect dining room service and will support you throughout your professional journey.

Property Value
Author Dominique Jeuffrault
Cover Hardcover
Dimension 21.08 x 1.65 x 29.72 cm
Language EN
Page 256
2 Taksit
686,89 x 2Toplam : 1,373,78 TL
686,89 x 2Toplam : 1,373,78 TL
686,89 x 2Toplam : 1,373,78 TL
686,89 x 2Toplam : 1,373,78 TL
686,89 x 2Toplam : 1,373,78 TL
686,89 x 2Toplam : 1,373,78 TL
686,89 x 2Toplam : 1,373,78 TL

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